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Client: Metals mining company

Challenge: The company’s mining process burned coal, generating two major problems:

  1. High CO2 emissions: Burning coal releases CO2, a greenhouse gas contributing to climate change.
  2. Fly ash waste: The process produced large amounts of fly ash, an undesired by-product that stockpiled and posed a risk of leaching harmful substances into groundwater.

Rejuvetech’s Solution: Mineralizing CO2 through fly ash utilization

Our green chemistry expertise led us to develop a solution that addressed both challenges simultaneously. We employed a process using selective speciation of the product mineral formation. In simpler terms, we used well-known acid-base reactions to convert fly ash and captured CO2 into stable mineral carbonates and hydrogen carbonates.

The Magic of Transformation:

  • Waste to resource: Fly ash, once a waste product, became the feedstock for our process.
  • CO2 capture and utilization: CO2 that would have been released into the atmosphere was captured and converted into valuable, stable minerals with a known commercial value.
  • Reduced environmental impact: By using fly ash and CO2, we minimized waste generation and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Groundwater protection: The stable mineral carbonates posed no risk of leaching harmful substances into groundwater.

Science made Simple:

We used traditional chemistry methods, like those used in baking (think acid-base reactions!), to achieve this transformation. To confirm the success, we employed various techniques:

  • Wet chemistry: Like testing for sugar in baking, we used established methods to analyse the products.
  • Modern tools: We used advanced instrumentation from X-ray analysis to to spectroscopic imaging, to understand the crystal structure of the minerals we created.

The Outcome:

Rejuvetech’s green chemistry solution delivered a win-win situation:

  • For the client: Reduced waste disposal costs, minimized environmental impact, and potential for revenue from the newly created mineral products.
  • For the environment: Lower CO2 emissions, less fly ash waste, and reduced risk of groundwater contamination.

A Sustainable Future:

This project showcases the power of green chemistry in transforming waste into valuable resources while protecting our environment. By working together, we can achieve a more sustainable future for all.